Innovative Pedagogical Tools

The innovative pedagogical tools devised by NovaTris aim to support learners outside of the classroom and broaden the influence of NovaTris pedagogy. They all support Novatris’ pedagogical principles.

NovaTris Toolbox

Image Boîte à outils

In order to fulfil its mission, NovaTris develops and implements various intercultural modules and trains teachers in the pedagogy of intercultural support.

The NovaTris Toolbox, available on the NovaTris pedagogical platform, is for use by teachers who have already completed teacher training on intercultural support. It constitutes a customisable bank of resources from which they can devise their courses.

The pedagogical tools provided are based on the structure of the intercultural modules offered by NovaTris.

More Information


Image LogbookA logbook is a pedagogical tool used to support learners on long-term intercultural courses (1 week to 3 years). It enables them to put down their thoughts and discoveries in writing.

More than a simple jotter, a logbook is a travelling companion with suggestions for further reflection and encouragement to expand intercultural and language learning. With space for text, drawings or collages, it is a blend of reflection and personal expression.

Graphic design : Séverine Clément ©

Take a look at a Logbook

Tandem Cards

Image Cartes Tandem

“The Thread of Conversations” is a deck of 54 cards to prompt people to express their thoughts in any form whatsoever: telling a story, singing, moving, speaking, questioning, describing or writing… They support Tandem Language Exchange oral practice and are suitable for a broad audience. This game sets out to overcome language barriers in a fun way, while also exploring the personal and interpersonal capacities of each player!

This NovaTris tool has been published in French (Au(x) fil(s) de la conversation), German (Gesprächsfäden), Spanish (Conversar sin perder el hilo) and English (The Thread of Conversations).

Graphic design : Vivien Pereira de Souza © // Traduction : NovaTris (allemand), Yolanda Chumillas (espagnol) & Johanne Boulat (anglais)

Take a look at the Tandem Cards

Intercultural Challenges

Image Challenges

Intercultural Challenges usually take the form of emails sent to participants in long-term education programmes (Doctoral School, Tandem Language Exchange, Free Cross-border CU students, etc.). They are designed to improve intercultural skills and provide the participants with lasting support alongside the time actually spent in class.

Participants are invited to complete a task on their own or in a group, combining thinking and creativity: find an untranslatable word or phrase in their own language and explain it; translate and sign the word “interculturality” in sign language; compose a tweet based on an excerpt from a theoretical text; make up a word search in a foreign language; film a short sketch about a cultural issue, etc. There are many fun ways to reflect on intercultural and language issues.

Illustrations : Zoé Beaumale ©