Call for student project proposals

Image projets étudiantsNovaTris is giving students at the Université de Haute-Alsace the opportunity to develop a project related to interculturality and/or cross-border matters.  Students will be able to devise and implement an entire project and gain their first experience of the business world: team work, project management, group coordination, financial management, backward planning, time management, etc.

NovaTris will assist the project leaders and provide financial support for the implementation and delivery of the project.

What People Say

Our trip to Freiburg was a great success with the students, who absolutely loved having a class somewhere other than in a classroom! Everyone loved the play “Tender Truces” on the theme of family relationships. What was not to love? It was easy to understand, the actors were great and the story was funny and moving. This experience also whet the first-year students’ appetites, as they are going to start on their own theatre project next semester, it was perfect. Thank you NovaTris for your help to put the project in place! * Jules Bourbon, bachelor's degree student in English - Theatre Project- Visit to see the Play Tender Truces in Freiburg im Breisgau

*These comments have been translated from French.

Success story – Regio Chimica Film

The students of the Class of 2016 on the Regio Chimica course produced a film to promote their course.  It highlights the theme of interculturality, a theme which the students had learned about in modules run by NovaTris. They had also gained their own intercultural experiences during their course, which alternated between Freiburg and Mulhouse. The video also shows the advantages of a cross-border course.

Regio Chimica