Call for pedagogical innovation project proposals
By offering its support to pedagogical innovation projects, NovaTris aims to promote innovative educational approaches that encourage the development the learners’ cross-border skills (in both initial and continuing education).
The projects selected are those that encourage pedagogical experimentation and the development of intercultural and transversal skills in a cross-border environment.
The call for pedagogical innovation project proposals is open to all teaching staff across the Université de Haute-Alsace faculties, school of engineering and IUT (University Institute of Technology).
What People Say
*These comments have been translated from French.
Success story – The Forge of History (Forge de l’Histoire)
The Forge of History was one of the projects selected and supported by NovaTris under the call for pedagogical innovation project proposals.
This initiative, devised by the History and Heritage Department at the UHA, consisted in a series of lectures on the theme “Revolts and Revolutions”.
The lectures were organised by students studying for the Bachelor’s Degree in History and the Masters in History, Civilisations and Heritage with help from a dozen teachers. They explored the opinions of specialists in various fields, all relating to the theme “Revolts and Revolutions”. The lectures were open to the general public but were also part of the model adopted by the History Department.
This led to contacts being forged between the History Departments of the universities in the Upper Rhine.
The project was developed and managed collectively by a dozen lecturer-researchers in the History Department. A wonderful dynamic developed around the project and new series of lectures will be offered on the same model in the future.
NovaTris has no pending calls for pedagogical innovation project proposals at the present time.